Day one · the person i like and why i like them.
Day two · a famous person i’ve been compared to.
Day three · 5 things that irritate me about the same sex/opposite sex.
Day four · the best thing that has happened to me this week.
Day five · weird things i do when i’m alone.
Day six · how i’d spend ten thousand bucks.
Day seven · things i like and things i don’t like about the way i look.
Day eight · my last night out in detail.
Day nine · something that makes me sad when i think about it.
Day ten · something i’ve lied about.
Day eleven· would i rather be stranded on a desert island with someone i love for ten years or someone i hate for a month? explain why.
Day twelve · something i’m currently worrying about.
Day thirteen · something i do without realising.
Day fourteen · lyrics that apply to my current situation/mood.
Day fifteen · a drunken story.
Day sixteen · something i regret.
Day seventeen · post a picture of myself.
Day eighteen · my longest relationship and who it was with.
Day nineteen· 5 things i want to change.
Day twenty · someone i’d like to be for a day and why.
Day twenty one· 5 things within touching distance.
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